January 30 - February 3, 2023
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Winter releaseL

We're making a feature release or announcement every day of the week!
Wikilink widget
Winter Release
January 30, Monday
DesignDocs.dev is a community resource that contains 1000+ design doc examples and templates from leading 40+ engineering orgs and open source projects. If you're looking to up-level your team's design doc game, we hope DesignDocs.dev will inspire you.
Winter Release
January 31, Tuesday
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Figures and Figure Embeds

Figures are powerful containers for organizing the canvas. They help you and others make sense of a large canvas.

Figure embeds are for making docs visual. They allow you to insert live-linked canvas figures into the flow of a document.
Winter Release
February 1, Wednesday
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Wikilinks and At Mentions

Wikilinks are a delightful way to refer to other files and figures. Its role is to help you build a densely inter-connected knowledge base.

At-mentions allow you and your teammates to be part of the knowledge graph. It's great for attributing or assigning work.
Winter Release
February 2, Thursday
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GitHub Integration

The GitHub integration unlocks rich diagramming and real-time collaboration for markdown files stored in GitHub repositories. Users can track any branch and file, embed diagrams created in Eraser, and trigger simple one-click pulling and pushing.
Winter Release
February 3, Friday
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Notion Integration and Version History

Notion is one of the most popular general wiki tools used by our users. With the Notion integration, users no longer have to manually export diagrams from Eraser. Users can simply paste an Eraser URL to see a real-time updating preview on Notion.

Version history allow users to browse, duplicate, and restore old versions of files.