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Social network app data model

Visualize complex user interactions with the social network app data model example.

Social network app data model

Visualize complex user interactions with the social network app data model example.

Data Model
Entity Relationship Diagram
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about this example

Starting with a comprehensive understanding of a social media platform's backend, this example dissects a social network's database architecture.

  • User Profiles & Settings: Central to the model, detailing personalization and user preferences.
  • Interaction Tracking: Records favorites, comments, likes, and views to monitor engagement.
  • Relationships & Content: Maps out user connections and the flow of content across the network.
  • Notifications & Activity: Manages user alerts and keeps track of interactions in real-time.

When to use
  • Prototype Development: When designing a new social platform and needing a clear database structure.
  • System Refactoring: While overhauling an existing social app's data schema for better performance and scalability.
  • Educational Purposes: For teaching database design principles in a context that's familiar and tangible to modern software engineers.

How to use
  1. Start editing: Duplicate the example file and double-click on the diagram to begin.
  2. Customize diagram: Add or modify nodes, groups, relationships using simple diagram-as-code syntax. Employ icons to enhance readability.
  3. Customize layout: Drag elements on the diagram directly on the canvas to adjust the layout.
  4. Collect feedback: Share the file with collaborators and use the comments feature to gather and integrate feedback.

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